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10PRO Consulting


What You need to Know about Applying for a New Zealand Spouse Visa

Good news for those who have New Zealander partners because this country allows the partner of a citizen in New Zealand to avail a partnership visa. Whether you are married or just a partner of a New Zealand resident, or if you are an LGBTQ in a relationship with a New Zealander, you’ll always be welcome as long as you have passed the requirements of the Immigration. Your Partner’s Background as a New Zealand Resident/New Zealand Citizen. To be granted a residence class visa under Partnership Category applicants must provide sufficient evidence to satisfy an immigration officer that they have been living together for 12 months or more in a partnership that is genuine and stable with a New Zealand citizen or resident

How to apply for a spouse or partner visa in New Zealand

The New Zealand spouse or partner visa enables you to apply for residency if your partner or spouse is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. It’s important to know the types of relationships that fall under this visa, so let’s start by taking a closer look how Immigration New Zealand defines the term ‘partner’ If your partner is a New Zealand resident/citizen, but you have been together for less than 12 months, you may be granted a temporary work visa usually valid for 12 months. If you have been living together for 12 months or more, you may seek a 24-months work visa, and/or a resident visa based on your relationship The basic criteria Immigration NZ requires to recognise a relationship as one with the potential to be successful in a partnership based visa application is that the applicants must be living together in a genuine and stable relationship;this can be a legal marriage, a civil union or a de facto relationship.


If you are looking to apply for a New Zealand spouse visa, it is important to be aware of the process and what is required of you. Here, we have outlined the key things that you need to know in order to make the application process as smooth as possible. As the leading consultant for New Zealand visas, 10 Pro Consultant can help you every step of the way. Contact us today to get started!


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