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10PRO Consulting

Germany Job Seeker Visa Dubai

Foreign university graduates have the opportunity to obtain a job seeker visa. The job seeker visa gives you the opportunity to search for a job in Germany that matches your qualifications for a period of up to six months.

In addition to the applicant’s qualifications, proof of financing of the stay must also be provided. It is not permitted to take up employment during the job search period. If an employer is found within half a year, the applicant does not have to leave Germany again, but can apply for the required residence permit directly in Germany.

The granting of a visa for job search is a discretionary decision by the authorities. In order to positively influence the outcome of the visa procedure, the intention to find a job in Germany should therefore be stated clearly in the letter of motivation and in the documents justifying the application.


A German or recognized foreign university degree
Motivation & plausibility
Basically no language skills required
Proof of financial means


Submit a detailed letter of motivation explaining your motives, the plans for your stay, your place of stay and accommodation.

Make sure you make an appointment with the responsible foreign mission well ahead of time, otherwise the application process can be delayed.

Don’t forget to check both your university and your educational qualifications in the “anabin”-database.

Check which of your documents need to be legalised or translated. Remember that you may only be reissued after a set waiting period.

Contact potential employers in advance and arrange interviews. Evidence of this can underline your motivation


Our experts are ready to address your inquiries promptly. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

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