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New Brunswick foreign investor and entrepreneur program (NBIIP)

The New Brunswick province of Canada, offers a New Brunswick foreign investor and entrepreneur program (NBIIP) to international investors, entrepreneurs and senior business managers who are required to invest and run a business living in New Brunswick.

The New Brunswick province is currently open to foreign investment attracting investors creating new jobs and enhance the province competitiveness in capital markets. The Government of New Brunswick is calling for a significant increase in immigration to the province over the next five years to address the economic and social challenges posed by its ageing population.

New Brunswick is one of eastern Canada’s Maritime provinces. It encompasses rivers, pine forest, mountains and the Bay of Fundy, known for extreme tides and whale-watching.  New Brunswick is the only bilingual province in Canada with two thirds of the population declare themselves anglophones and a third are francophones.

Like many other Canadian provinces and territories, New Brunswick has its own immigration program streams, targeting certain groups, and eligibility criteria. Some streams target entrepreneurs, graduates, skilled workers with employer support, skilled workers with family support, etc

The New Brunswick Foreign Investment Scheme offers full PR residency status in Canada to family of investors who commit to invest in the province.


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