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Four reasons you should invest in Portugal

Portugal holds a very strategic location in Europe and is known for its robust business environment. It offers great living standards and also boasts one of the youngest working populations in the world. 

Investing in Portugal may just become one of your finest business moves. Its GDP growth rate was 4.88% in 2021. Establishing a business in Portugal is not as challenging as it may be in other countries. And you get to enjoy 300 days of sunshine a year, gorgeous beaches, and a lower cost of living.


Investing in Portugal is an opportunity you should not miss out on. Before deciding to invest in Portugal, you should evaluate some of the critical considerations that will serve as the basis of your investment in the country. At 10 Pro Consulting, we have experts that you could rely on that will assist throughout your immigration journey. 

  • Acquire permanent residency in Portugal

One of the most compelling reasons to invest in Portugal is the Golden Visa scheme. It is a program that permits you to gain residence by acquiring a property in Portugal. This Golden Visa permits non-European citizens and family members to seek permanent residency in the country and enables free movement between the Schengen Area’s 26 member nations. We – at 10-Pro will make the process feasible. 

This means that when you register your company in Portugal and make a property investment, it will result in the investor gaining permanent residence in Portugal. Investing in the real estate market in Portugal offers buyers fewer legal formalities and maximum rewards. You may immediately reap the rewards of this plan with a basic property investment of €250,000.00.

  • Become a member of the European Union

One more significant factor to consider if you want to establish a business in Portugal is the nation’s membership of the European Union. Belonging to the European Union entails a single currency and unrestricted transit and commerce among all member countries.

Portugal is a prominent member of the European Union and is making serious advances in industries such as service provision, biotech, and information technology, among others. 

  • High living standard coupled with low costs

Portugal, notably its capital, Lisbon, offers one of the best price-quality combinations in Europe. It is a place where even outsiders are made to feel at home and where a quiet existence retains all of the global flares of its cities. 

Portugal offers exceptional art, culture, entertainment, and outdoor activities in gorgeous settings. This sentiment is reflected by expats who rate the country as one of the finest nations in Europe for its living standards.

  • Safety

You may enjoy Portugal’s calm and friendly environment, but did you know that it is ranked as the third safest country in the world — as per Global Peace Index 2019? It also leads the charge for safety throughout the European Union. Portugal also ranks first for its very friendly and welcoming people.


To invest in Portugal, you must first grasp the investment process and understand what to expect. As the leading consultant for Portugal-based investments and visas, 10 Pro advisors can guide you at every step. Get in touch today.

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What makes 10 Pro Consulting the best Immigration Consultancy?

    • At 10-Pro, we assess your profile to ensure that you are eligible to apply.
    • We simplify the process for you
    • We conduct thorough due diligence on the documents to ensure success in the application.
    • We offer fast-track application service
    • Availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week – contact us via phone, e-mail, or through your personal portal service.
    • High success ratio in visa approvals with 4.8 / 5 Google Rating
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    • Regular contact giving you all the latest updates regarding your application

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